Vintage Toy Reference Question
Welcome to the Q&A Database Forum.
Feel free to ask questions of other collectors or share your own knowledge. NO sales posts please, and to be honest, everyone here is a blank slate, so buyer beware, caveat emptor and if you have a bad deal do NOT post here without contacting me first. slanderous posts will be deleted. play nice.
Even the most obscure items have avid fanbases so post what you are looking for and who knows, someone may be able to help you answer your questions. Have info? Feel free to share, but please play nice and reference resources. do not just cut and paste other peoples' creative lists and faq's without permission. SOMEONE spent a lot of time creating those databases, respect their efforts PLEASE! Do not post copyright violations. reviews and photos are allowed under the Fair Use Doctrine and will be enforced. If you are unfamiliar with copyrights and FAIR USE doctrine, educate yourself before posting pics you do not own. Violaters will be ejected via the nearest airlock. ALWAYS try to google it yourself first but do not be afraid to ask others for info and help. thanks!